Rating: 3/5 stars

Category: Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal

Series: Psy-changeling Trinity (book 2)

Publisher: Gollancz

Pages: 403

Ocean Light by Nalini Singh

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

View all my reviews


Security specialist Bowen Knight has come back from the dead. But there’s a ticking time bomb in his head: a chip implanted to block telepathic interference that could fail at any moment—taking his brain along with it. With no time to waste, he should be back on land helping the Human Alliance. Instead, he’s at the bottom of the ocean, consumed with an enigmatic changeling.

Kaia Luna may have traded in science for being a chef, but she won’t hide the facts of Bo’s condition from him or herself. She’s suffered too much loss in her life to fall prey to the dangerous charm of a human who is a dead man walking. And she carries a devastating secret Bo could never imagine . . .

But when Kaia is taken by those who mean her deadly harm, all bets are off. Bo will do anything to get her back—even if it means striking a devil’s bargain and giving up his mind to the enemy.


As always, I love Nalini’s writing and while I enjoyed this story a lot, I just wasn’t as invested in it as I was in other stories in the series but I loved the relevance of this story for the series. The story revealed a lot that was needed to progress the overall plot of the series and bridge further gaps between the races in the series.

Withholding the mystery of Kaia’s changeling half till right at the end of the story was one of the most exciting things for me reading the story. It was so exciting to follow the clues and try to guess what type of water changeling she is.

I gave 3 out of 5 stars because this story felt like the middle book of a trilogy, a bridge to something better and I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

Thank you for reading my first book review of the year
Have a great week and God bless

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