On the 2nd of May 2024 I heard a sky news report of parents who lost their baby due to a birth defect that occurred during labour, this lead to an inquest which confirmed that the guidelines for birth centres in the UK needed to change as the ones in London are changing. I heard the report on sky news TV that day and it came up on my phone as a notification from sky news so I read the article out loud to my parents but when I went back later on the night of the same day, I couldn’t find the article anymore on the Sky news app. I went to BBC news and couldn’t see if they reported it at all, even when I searched ‘baby death’ in the first 4 pages, it doesn’t come up but I saw other articles in relation to other baby deaths and whistle blowing, just not the particular article I had read earlier in the day. This showed me that there is a lack of interest in stories like this, which is sad because I believe that the reproduction of the human race is under attack and we are not awake to this. Even I was sleeping on this until fertility and reproduction hit close to home. The NHS needs more midwives to help women, not just for those that God has blessed with the fruit of the womb but also for those who are praying for this fruit.

For a long time, the Lord has been telling me that I need to change jobs to something that will allow me to focus on the health and growth of my family but I wanted to cling to my law qualifications so I cut down my office hours but even that proved inefficient as events occurred in my life that took the office job away completely and since then I have been searching for the area that God is calling me to.

Housing is also a very big issue in the UK and something that I am passionate about as well, so I thought that was where I should go next, and I wouldn’t need to re-qualify because there are adaptable skills from my skill set that will get me in the door. I went as far as registering for a 4 month housing course and told my husband I would open a housing management company but again God found a way to stir me from that.

After the birth of my 3rd baby at the beginning of this year, I finally got clarity on where I am to go but I didn’t know the route I was to take. I am blessed to have this responsibility from God and I want to share that joy and guide other women in their journey of fulfilling this long term stewardship. I believe there is a lot that this new phase in my life will teach me and I am confident that I have something to contribute to this area of society because it is a mandate from God. I will not willingly go back to school if given the choice.

When God created each and every one of us, He gave us gifts/abilities and purpose. It takes some of us a long time to find what those are but for some of us it is clear from a young age. For a long time I thought my career path was law but as God gave me the responsibility of little human beings and the working hours of a lawyer conflicted with those responsibilities, my purpose and passion changed. So I want to say to anyone still looking for their purpose and or passion, do not give up because there is light at the end of the tunnel and His name is Jesus. It does not matter how long it takes He will show you the way and He never leaves anyone behind. Also it is okay for things to change as well because nothing but God is set in stone.

Thank you for reading
You can follow me on instagram and YouTube as well; my handle is lvingwithnk on both platforms.
Have a blessed month

One response to “IS MIDWIFERY FOR ME?”

  1. Inspiring read!


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